
西欧之旅 - 23~26/12/08 - 英国伦敦

23/12 – JS 和我抵不住Mega Sales 的诱惑,我们决定放弃去Cambridge的机会,到Oxford Street Shopping – Gucci, A&F, H&M等等,真的为之疯狂。晚上我们Meetup CY后想到Bayswater 吃很好吃的鸭,结果他们生意太好,提前休息。然后就在其中一间中国餐馆用晚餐。由于早上的时候太累了,结果心脏疼痛,真的很JitDuo囖!

24/12 – 这天我们继续我们的Shopping使命。晚上我们和CY碰面,到Hyde Park的公园游乐场庆祝Christmas。感觉很好,我们就像小孩子一样,放开心怀,边吃热狗,边拍照。

25/12 – 经过这样多天的“抗战”,我们决定在家里休息了。但是我们身体累,心不累, 在加上我们天天只顾Shopping Shopping,都没有在伦敦Sightseeing 到,所以和CY, JS和TomTom一块到伦敦市中心 – 路径Kensington, Harrod,Buckingham Palace,远眺London Eye, 然后把车子停在China Town,再Meet up Calvin的妹妹。 回到家后美女三人开始煮圣诞大餐。真的是美好的一晚。

26/12 – Boxing Day又是一个Shopping Day。三个女人开了车到Bicester Village Outlet, 又shop了一天, 很累。我也是在这天认识Radley和Anya Hindmarch这个包包牌子。JS和CY很开心买了Mulberry这个牌子的包包,两人不亦乐乎。在这里看到很多Tiong kok lang…很难受。


西欧之旅 - 22/12/08

22/12 – 今天是我们的行程中最贵妇的一天。三个女人无论是在衣着上,或是气质上都散发着一股贵气(很想吐). 吃了一顿很讲究的西式早餐后,我们先到Portabello Market游荡。这里沿路的房子建筑都很有特色,每个屋子都有自己的颜色。我们大概溜达了约1个小时后,吃了Mela印度餐后, 就前往Oxford Street买我们的手袋了。谁说经济大萧条,在这里买LV还要排队,真夸张。过后,我们就到Sketch吃English Tea, 很有风味。晚上,我们就到他Theatre看Musical – The Sound of Music. 很多耳熟能详的歌曲都在这晚听到了。



Sketch.....English Tea

西欧之旅 - 20/12/08 和 21/12/08


20/12 – 抵达伦敦T5机场。相隔15年后,在回到这个地方。没有太多熟悉的感觉,因为毕竟时间相隔太远了。CY到机场来迎接我们的到来,我知道,有CY在的地方,就不用担心太多。我们回到家后,CY已经准备好一顿丰富的晚餐了。好幸乎沃。为了要走更长远的路,我们那里也没去,在家休息,心里却十分雀跃。

21/12 – 我们到Camden Market。这个地方卖得东西杂七杂八,说也说不清楚,价格没有我想象的便宜。我约了和在英国的表弟见面,极度兴奋,可惜他带了两个Keleguai出来,一个口水多过茶,一个以己为傲的低能儿。中午我们一块吃English Sunday Roast,晚上到了Primark大扫货后就去唐人街和表弟与朋友吃马来西亚餐。Em, 其实东西只是麻麻地咯,但价格贵到吓人。


I am yours

What a lovely song! Enjoy...

Well you done done me and you better felt it
I tried to be chill but you so hot that i melted
I fell right through the cracks and i'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out i'll be givin it my bestest
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love
listen to the music of the moment maybe seen with me
Ah, la peaceful melodie
It's your god forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved Loved
So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate, i'm yours
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm a sayin'is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
it cannot wait, i'm sure
there's no need to complicate
our time is short
it cannot wait , i'm yours
I won't hesitate no more, no more
it cannot wait, i'm sure
there's no need to complicate
our time is short
this is our fate , i'm yours
no please don't complicate, our time is short
this is our faith, im yours.
no please don't hesitate no more, no more
it cannot wait, the sky is yours...

Baby Z-Yi in Shanghai!