

通过Facebook,和很多以前的朋友联系上了。感觉就好像Ah Tee 所说的一样,突然间分不清真实和虚拟。昨天回公司上班的时候,老板阿Dan也说了同样一句话。有时真的感觉很虚拟,却又那么真实!


You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...

1. You’re at an expensive western restaurant and don’t even notice the guy at the next table yelling into his cell phone
2. You enjoy karaoke
3. You walk backwards in the park listening to a transistor radio
4. The China Daily is your source for hard hitting, fast breaking, investigative journalism
5. You smoke in crowded elevators.
6. All white people look the same to you
7. You like the smell of the bus.
8. You find state-employed retail staff helpful, knowledgeable and friendly
9. You no longer need tissues to blow your nose
10. You find western toilets uncomfortable
11. You throw your used toilet paper in the basket (as a courtesy to the next person)
12. You think that the heavy air actually contains valuable nutrients that you need to stay healthy
13. You think a 30 year old woman who carries a Hello Kitty lunch box is cute
14. A sexual pervert is a man who prefers women to money.
15. It’s OK to throw rubbish, including old fridges, from your 18th-floor window
16. You believe that pressing the lift button 63 times will make it move faster
17. You aren’t aware that one is supposed to pay for software
18. You are not surprised to see your tap water run dark brown
19. You tell your parents their house back in your home country has bad feng shui
20. You think that a $7 shirt is a rip-off
21. You always leave tray and trash on the table when you are in Starbucks because you insisted it is the way to keep everyone employed
22. You buy an XXXL T-shirt in store when you returned home
23. You take large sum of cash whenever you go hospital in home country
24. You have no reservations about spitting sun flower seeds on the restaurant floor
25. You think it’s silly to buy a new bike when it’ll get stolen soon and stolen bikes are half the price.
26. You’d rather pay the 10 yuan for an all night stay at the internet cafe than the 30 for a taxi home.
27. You feel cheated if you don’t receive a full head and shoulder massage when getting a haircut
28. You blow your nose or spit on the restaurant floor (of course after making a loud hocking noise)
29. You no longer wait in line, but go immediately to the head of the queue
30. It becomes exciting to see if you can get on the lift before anyone can get off
31. It is no longer surprising that the only decision made at a meeting is the time and venue for the next meeting
32. You no longer wonder how someone who earns US$ 400.00 per month can drive a Mercedes
33. You accept the fact that you have to queue to get a number for the next queue
34. You believe everything you read in the local newspaper
35. You have developed an uncontrollable urge to follow people carrying small flags
36. You regard it as part of the adventure when the waiter correctly repeats your order and the cook makes something completely different.
37. You are not surprised when three men with a ladder show up to change a light bulb
38. You look over people’s shoulder to see what they are reading
39. You honk your horn at people because they are in your way as you drive down the sidewalk
40. When car accidents become a source of heartwarming humour
41. When shopping at Carrefour some laowai stares you down for catching you looking into his basket while you wonder to yourself what laowai’s eat
42. You have figured out that it is actually the Taiwanese who are running this country
43. You have a pinky fingernail an inch long
44. You burp in any situation and don’t care
45. You start to watch CCTV9 and feel warm and comforted by the governments great work
46. You think Pizza Hut is high-class and worth queueing for
47. You have learnt how to detect someone is in a hurry behind you, and now have the ability to not only walk very slowly but also grow eyes in the back of your head, so when they start to overtake on the right hand side, you automatically cut in and walk very slowly directly in front of them
48. When you are able to jump the queue because the idiot laowai left 2 centimeters between themself and the person in front of them
49. You have absolutely no sense of traffic rules
50. You start calling other foreigners Lao Wai
51. You start cutting off large vehicles on your bicycle
52. The last time you visited your mother, you gave her your business card
53. You think no car is complete without a tissue box on the rear shelf and a feather duster in the trunk
54. You go to the local shop in pajamas
55. When looking out the window, you think “Wow, so many trees!” instead of “Wow, so much concrete!”
56. Pollution, what pollution?
57. You think “white pills, blue pills, and pink powder” is an adequate answer to the question “What are you giving me, doctor?”
58. Someone doesn’t stare at you and you wonder why
59. Firecrackers don’t wake you up
60. Your family stops asking when you’ll be coming back
61. You wear out your vehicle’s horn before its brakes
62. You buy a top-of-the-line karaoke machine
63. Forks feel funny
64. Chinese remakes of Western songs sound better than the originals
65. You get homesick for Chinese food when away from China
66. You realize that smiling and nodding is Chinese body language for, “Go away; leave me alone.”
67. All the top-level government officials you befriended for guanxi purposes when you first arrived are retired and living in your country
68. After being in an accident, you tell the ambulance driver which hospital to take you to
69. Your company offers you a job in your native land, and includes regular “Home Leave” to China as an incentive
70. You think of “salad” as diced apples in mayonnaise
71. You don’t bother to take the sticker off the lenses of your fake Ray-Bans
72. You only wear a suit when you dig ditches or do home repairs
73. Your handshake is weakening by the day
74. You compiled a 3-page list of weird English first names that Chinese people of your acquaintance have chosen for themselves.
75. Your collection of business cards has outgrown your flat
76. You and a friend get on a bus, sit at opposite ends of the bus, and continue your conversation by yelling from one end to the other
77. You cannot say a number without making the appropriate hand sign
78. You like the taste of Green Tea and Chivas
79. You start recognising the chinese songs on the radio and sing along to them with the taxi driver
80. You feel insulted when you enter a restaurant and only three waiters welcome you


嗨!最近真的很累,也真的不懂什么回事...very tired!

今天和同事在茶水间聊天,和他投诉最近很累的状况。 她突然间和我说,在工作精神压力很大的时候,人是很需要精神支柱的。在你心里一定要有原因让你继续这样辛苦的干下去。我想了想,我就说,有的,我说我希望我的家人可以过好一点的日子。但后来想想,我在外国工作也没怎样让他们好过很多。我朋友说了一句我很有共鸣的话 - 就算我现在在马来西亚,我和父母的生活只能是平行线,不可能有交集的。所以,你要去找你的交集。这句话很有共鸣。




一直以来,我就很喜欢去站在别人的角度去想同一件事情,你其实会慢慢发觉不同的人,处理的方法真的大有不同。有些做法我举脚赞成,有些事情你把脑袋挖空也没有办法去了解为什么有些人可以怎样奇怪。 突然,很想去读哲学,去了解其他人的脑袋和思维逻辑。



说了一大堆废话,我不知道自己想表达什么,只是很想说,人 - 真的很特别。



其实一直都很向往自由自在的生活。从小到大,心里一直以来都有个梦,就是好像Kah Yeim 一样,拿着一个背包,当个背包客,去自己想要的地方。但是,心里一直就是很多放不下担子,总是给自己很多借口, 然后计划一拖再拖。心里其实知道,自己害怕什么,因为我一直都不是个勇敢的女孩。所以,要实现这样的梦想是遥遥无期。

爸爸以前一句: 做人不能太自私,不能说你想去那里就到那里。你的心里一定要有特定条件才可以自由自在。说的也是,可能到时到后,你就知道你在什么时候,就会去什么地方。所以,但现在这个时候,爸爸还有很多事情放不下,一直扛着这个重担。而我的工作,就是要让爸爸慢慢放下这心里负担,好好享受人生。

今天这个晚上,我在慢慢品尝家音在他旅途中所拍下的照片。我一直都很向往的旅途。http://www.flickr.com/photos/tehkahyeim。 在等那一天,我可以真的很像她一样,无忧无虑地去旅行。

2007年 - 上海的特奥

因GM是特奥的Patron, 我和嘉慧,JS到靠近五角场的江湾体育场当Special Olympic Sport Experience Program的志愿者。七早八早就到那里了。接下来又打很多种球类。很累。

我们三人特别喜欢这件衣服 - Be a fan...


看到这张照片, 我真的觉得我和张小姐的样子没差很多; 很高兴,我可以和姚明在一起拍照了。


特奥德吉祥人物 - 阳光三毛。我买了一个回家,摆在我的床头中,和小熊为伴。




所以,我决定早退休,好好过活。人生要好好的制定的。。。Planning now!

He who seeks is awaited, he who waits is only found (from Czech Author) - if u go out seeking, ur destiny is waiting in front of you! This message is brought from Kah Yeim via skype, a friend that I admire and I like alot....朋友,你的近况永远是我关注的事情。 对朋友好的一种方式,就是你要好好照顾你自己。 虽然我们不常联络,但是我要告诉你,你永远在我心中。听起来好像很肉麻,但是,这是我心里话! Take great care, my friend!


