


一直以来,我就很喜欢去站在别人的角度去想同一件事情,你其实会慢慢发觉不同的人,处理的方法真的大有不同。有些做法我举脚赞成,有些事情你把脑袋挖空也没有办法去了解为什么有些人可以怎样奇怪。 突然,很想去读哲学,去了解其他人的脑袋和思维逻辑。



说了一大堆废话,我不知道自己想表达什么,只是很想说,人 - 真的很特别。

1 条评论:

bryan_shiro 说...


Well, I agree that we like to hang out with people or friends with same wave length as us, but come to think of it, as we admit that there are so many types of people out there, why not we just be sure of our own principle and stick to it, while making friends with people of different lifestyle and opinion? Accept what they are and at the same time learn from them.
It is good in my opinion that we can try to open up our eyes to the many life style and opinion of different people. We might not agree fully with all other people opinions but some of them might be useful. Well, just have an open mind and the knowledge and sometimes wisdom might flow in to us while we are observing.

Below book is a good read in helping us understand more on this topic. I think many of us read it liao...

How to Win Friends & Influence People (Paperback)
by Dale Carnegie (Author)
