

不要以为我会写什么关于很深入的宗教与人生哲学,只是今天早上跟随和Kien Wai 到康桥的一个地方传福音。以前自己很小的时候,可能是家里背景的关系和对基督教的不了解,对于基督教有一种莫名其妙的抗拒。和后来很长大了,接触的东西多了。在加上身边很多朋友都是基督教徒。那么接触的机会比以前更多了。

从小到大,我都是信奉观音,而且知道每个宗教都是人的精神支柱。人在最无助的时候,就会想起神灵。无论那个宗教都是叫人学好。 其实我自己就有很无助的时候,而通常这时候想到了神,我的契妈,观音菩萨。很可惜,佛教和基督教不一样,就是佛学不像基督教一样,会有人很努力的传教。所以我很少接触佛学思想。很想找机会去寻找它们两之间的差异。



3 条评论:

傑士 说...

Christianity is a beautiful thing, unfortunately human is a thing that knows how to misunderstand thing (if you know what i mean :)). Throughout the history of humanity, how many tragedies are caused by Christianity? So, I always believe in Christianity but NOT human :)

慧沁 Wai Sum 说...

ya, sometimes I question whether what is preached by the pastor is correct or not, coz diff ppl have diff understanding for bible. sorry lah, I am really not good at religion, may I should really start to study more on this....I believe it will help to lead our life to a better way.

bryan_shiro 说...

Well... as there is a famous words from Budha: "What I teach is pseudo-truth and not the real truth." What ever teaching I gave is the truth to me, but might be misintrepret by the different people who listened to it.

Hence a person can only perceive the Real Truth when they reach the same level of understanding.