


有一个骗话,我市记得比较清楚的。记得以前在中华上课的初一,自己要求住在宿舍里。但是只有三分钟热度的我,过了一个月后就很想家了。为了颜面问题,始终不想和父母亲说我想退出了。但是心里又很想念他们。后来我怎样解决这个问题呢? 我就自己Create了一张表格,和爸爸说这是学校需要父母亲自签名,不能代签的。所以爸爸就在晚上带着疲累的身体来到宿舍帮我签名。哈哈,搞笑吧! 没办法,我只是很想念他们。那时候我还记得有一次,在考算术小考的时候,拿了一个生平最差的成绩,5/50. 心里难受的不得了,那种心情者的很像失恋一样。后来还是挺不顺了,把爸爸叫来,在他面前大哭了一番。很伤心,真的很伤心。


6 条评论:

bryan_shiro 说...

Well, every one have their own ways of handling their painful or unpleasant past. Some will try to forget it by avoid mentioning it forever, some will even lie to cover it. But in many books mentioned the best was is to accept the past and bravely forgive your self or seek forgiveness from others. And be proud that you have already live through that painful stage and not many things that will happen in the future will exceed the pain we have endured. Transform the painful experience as a positive energy to face future challenge. It is easy to say than done, but worth trying.

Well, or you can just kill off your old self and reborn and embrace a new identity... like Jason Bourne/David Web from Bourne series..hehehe. Have a nice day.

晓慧 说...

In fact, I am not afraid of facing my own painfulness in the past. But, what really scare me off is those "future" pain that you are going to encounter, sooner or later. That is a real scary part...and hope that this day would not come.....:)

bryan_shiro 说...

Good to hear that you are not afraid of your past. But you are instead afraid of the future.. the unknown... which is much more scary as the combinations & possibility is much bigger than the past.

For the future, try not to be afraid of it but think it as an experience that sooner or later one will have to face, they are unavoidable (death, despair, separation, solitude). Just try to live though the pain and minimize it as much as you can. Familly and friends support is useful. Share it with a close freind or relative, they should understand you enough to give you supportive suggestions.

So...SH, please do not be afraid of the future "painful" stuff, they surely will come one day, but by then we should be prepared to face them. Just self reharse and imagine what it is like, through the readings of other people's experience tends to help us to experience virtually.

Well... be brave... I think books like "Teusday with Morrie" by Mitch Albom and "Veronica Decides to Die" by Paulo Coelho can enlight you on the subject. When one knows death is near, they will start to reflect on their lives and try to live the fullest of their remaining days. Weel, we should also be like them, knowing that our selves is going to die in another 40-50yrs also... hehehe

bryan_shiro 说...

Pardon my bad grammar... hehehe.. wrote the above in a rush

[SK] 说...

要死囉.. 把惠娜寫成慧娜!! 絕對不能原諒你這個best friend的錯誤!!!

你初一住宿的咩?? 你不是天天搭校車的咩?? but then 我們的雲頂之旅你不是很開心嗎?? 哈哈哈哈..

晓慧 说...

Bryan, thanks for your message. You have been a great "advisor". Hope to see more message from u! :)

Tee, I stayed in hostel initially, miss home too much, then I have forfeited the deposit and took school bus everyday....